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Oboe reeds, English horn reeds, handmade reeds, manufactured reeds, reed strengths - how do you know which is right for your students and your program?
Starting Out
Manufactured reeds at the Medium Soft strength are a great resource to have ready for students who are starting their journey as oboists. Look for reeds that have moderately sized openings and make sure they are long-scrape or American style reeds.
The image to the left shows a short scrape or European style reed, different from our standard long scrape or American style reed (below). European style reeds require a different embouchure and playing approach than is typically taught in private lessons and even that methods class you took, once upon a time. European style reeds also aim for a different sound quality than American style that may not fit your ensemble. Some tell tale signs of a European style reed is a short scrape with a lot of shiny bark remaining on the reed and most often the presence of a wire. (Note: English horn reeds often have wires, even in the American style!)
The Next Step
As students gain strength in their embouchure, they should move up to Medium strength American style reeds. When they are starting to develop their tone and play more advanced repertoire, it's time to move onto handmade reeds. A harder reed does not always equal a better reed, so handmade reeds are a healthier next step rather than simply playing Medium Hard manufactured reeds.
Purchasing handmade reeds allows students to play on higher quality reeds that will allow them to explore and refine their tone more readily than manufactured reeds. In Harper Music Studio's reed shop, students and directors can leave notes and requests with their order to customize their reeds.